Sunday, June 3, 2007

I'm Ready

Oh, how I dined on the finest swine. I filled up today on the Meat Lover's pizza from Pizza Hut. Sausage, pepperoni, ham, and bacon...oh my! Washed down with a tall glass of Iced Tea. Oh, what a treat it was. Now, I am prepared to face my challenge of doing healthy right and leaving behind all of the unhealthy choices I have made. It's never too late to start on a healthy lifestyle. At least, I hope it's not or I'm in big trouble. I've got the okay from my doctor to embark on my journey, so I'm set to go.

I can just imagine the look on the receptionist's face tomorrow when I walk in the gym. The last time I saw her was two months ago when I so enthusiastically ended our conversation with "See you tomorrow." Either tomorrow really means two months or I'm really bad at reading a calendar. I don't even want to think about what my personal trainer is going to say. I imagine she really can't say too much considering she isn't that much of a personal trainer. Really, she's just someone who showed me how to use the machines. And, to be honest, from watching all the infomercials I already knew how to use the machines. But, she's a great person and I can honestly call her my friend. And, since she's my friend she'll most likely laugh at me at first and then give me her full support.

So to help me prepare for the journey, I rediscovered my workout clothes. I felt so bad for them, just sitting in the closet inside a box that was pushed way to the back. Hidden beneath the box was my gym shoes and gym bag. Poor things haven't seen the light of day in so long. Now freshly washed and folded neatly, they are ready to delight in my sweat tomorrow as I burn away this fatty flesh. I have to say I am really proud of them. I got them from my favorite of favorite stores, Ross, a few months ago. I stood in the dressing room for about a half an hour debating on whether they were worth the price or not. Oh who am I kidding? Everyone knows that everything at Ross is affordable and worth the price. But my dilemma was really about whether or not I really needed workout clothes that promised to keep me dry while sweating. Apparently they have some kind of fiber that is anti-sweat. I don't know, I can't remember what the label claimed. I mean, I was doing just fine with the "I *heart* NY" tee shirts and sweat pants. So I broke down and bought them. Two pair of shorts, 3 pair of pants, and 4 shirts. I wore one shirt and one pair of shorts to the gym the next day. Turned out that was the last day I went to the gym. Go figure. The clothes did feel great though.

So I'm ready to take on a healthy lifestyle. I dined on the divine swine. I've got the "go for it" from my doctor. I've got great clothes to wear that are made with some super, magical fabric that is anti-sweat. I've got a gym membership card that is begging to be used. I've got a deadline of August 5th to get my body atleast 20lbs lighter. And most importantly I've got Spirit, yes I do! How about you?

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