Sunday, November 11, 2007

Goodbye Craptastic Gym, Hello Kickboxing!

Yes, yes, I know its been a long time since you've seen me. A really long time. But I'm back and I'm ready and committed to doing this. Yes, really committed. I have to say I have been doing well though. I'm not big on fast food anymore. Little Debbie and I have broken up and Otis Spunkmeyer and I are separated. I had been managing to work out occasionally with doing step at home and the ball workout. But I haven't seen my gym in so long. Wait, I did recently go just to confirm to myself just how much I hate it. Its so damn boring, seriously. It is like the worst gym ever. I got suckered in by the price. I am still trying to figure out how I got roped into a gym that "caters" to women and focuses on bringing in moms, but don't have a daycare. HELLO!!!!! One of the main reasons moms can't work out is because they don't have daycare. So why in the hell would they join your gym and you don't offer that...wait, I joined that gym knowing they didn't have a daycare. Crap...but, its okay for me though because I was temporarily insane due to their low price.

But anyway, I'm happy to say that I've taken up kickboxing. It's really fun and a hell of a workout. Plus, the instructors are really motivating and helpful. They encourage you to go at your own pace and don't force you to feel the burn. I really liked that when I got off track, the instructor gave me personal attention to get me back on track. She was very friendly and didn't make me feel like a loser. Although I was put to shame by this lady over 60 who was kicking ass like a pro. The workout was rough but it felt good. I hear every class is different and that the core is always focused on. My stomach muscles are still feeling the workout. I'm also going to take the muscle conditioning class on Thursday nights when I can.

I decided to go with kickboxing because I'm a kick ass type of chick and it just aligned with my personality. Now, I'm not going to go off beating up random people...I actually already have a few people in mind. But it does feel good knowing that not only is this routine helping me take control of my body, but it is alway giving me the confidence of knowing I could defend myself if I ever needed to.

So why am I back? Why now? Next year is my 5th anniversary with my husband and we're planning a trip to St. Lucia. Sweet!!! So there is no way I will allow myself to drag around all this extra junk. I need to get it together because I want to look extra hot for the hubby. Plus, I'm tired of complaining about my weight. And, I want to be healthier. I'm not looking to have a heart attack before 30 or even a heart attack at all. It just isn't worth it. My kids need me and St. Lucia needs me to grace its beautiful beaches with my sexy body. :P


Pamela Foreman said...

Glad you like the kickboxing class! I tried one once and decided that it wasn't my thing! Enjoy it and good luck!

Reflection said...

Way to go lady! Welcome back to restarting your journey on having a healthier lifestyle. I'm sure kickboxing will do the job. Have fun and stay focus.