Wednesday, January 20, 2010


So I've been holding out on blogging because I'm torn one what I'd like to do. I've been toying around with the idea of combining my two blogs since my readers are pretty much all the same people or keeping them separate. I really don't know what I to do. So bare with me as I go through the "I think I want to/I think I don't want to" moments. Anyway, I haven't done shit in the workout department. I'm actually sick now and refuse to work out. All I really want to do is just lay in a bubble bath all day long and read trashy romance novels, the kind with the half naked men on the cover :D I have a physical tomorrow and then the ever so lovely well woman's exam on Friday. And since I had made those in anticipation of starting up a workout routine, I'm guessing those will push me into getting in gear. Nothing like a doctor confirming your fatassness (yes, I just made that word can thank me later) to make you want to run to the nearest gym.

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