I have two days until Operation Fitness a.k.a "I'm going to look so hot that songs will be named after me to praise my beauty and my fabulous booty." So two days to go. On Monday, fast food will no longer be apart of my regime, late night eating will be a thing of the past, and donut binges will be outlawed. No more excuses on why I can't go to the gym, or go outside walking, or "I can't exercise right now because AMC or Lost is coming on and I've got to see what happened." Nope, I can't use any of those excuses any more. Besides, it's summer and everything worth watching on tv has already had it's season finale. Therefore I have until late September to get it together and lose this weight that's been carrying me.
So my plan for today is to get as much greasy, fattening, barbecued covered food into my body as possible. Ooh and I can't forget the donuts. If I pace myself, I can probably knock back a good dozen. Okay, okay! I know that's not healthy and I'd probably have a heart attack before I could even make it to day one. So, I'll compromise with just having the dozen donuts. I promise not to scarf them all down in one day. I'll *try* to share with my family.
My overall goal is to lose 45 lbs before the end of the year. But since I have an engagement to attend with my husband in August. My goal for now is to drop 20lbs before August 5th. Can I do it? Probably. If I can leave the junkie food alone and focus on fitness I can have a banging body in no time. I'd post my weight, but you wouldn't believe me anyway. Oh what the hell! I weigh 184lbs. Yep, I do. Doesn't look like it though, does it? Thankfully (and sadly) I have one of those body frames that proportions itself very nicely. The only downside to that is no one ever believes me when I say how much I weigh because it doesn't look like it. The only thing people can notice is my belly fat. It's not bad, but it's not good either. Let's just say I won't be wearing anything tight any time soon. So my goal is to lose 20lbs and flatten my stomach. After I go to the gym on Monday, I'll post my measurements and set a goal for losing inches off my waist. The rest of my body is awesome, if I say so myself, so I'm only concerned about losing inches off my waist. To complete my package I want to tone and firm my body as well.
So my plan is to cut out unhealthy food. Well, at least for the most part. I'm not going to deny myself an artery clogging burger when my body is begging for one. I'm just going to be smart about it from now on. If I have the burger, it no longer needs to be dripping with bacon, extra cheese, and ranch. Mmmm, bacon...
What was I saying? Oh right, cutting out healthy food, exercising, and becoming more active. The boys are home with me this summer so I know we'll be out there fooling around playing. I'm going to try walking in the morning or evening on the days I can't make it to the gym. And, meeting up with friends to workout with. The biggest part of my plan is to have motivation. And to remember that I'm not dieting, I'm on a lifestyle change.
Fitness is a journey, not a destination. All I can hope is that I don't get sidetracked on my journey.
Now about those donuts...
Edited to add the "oh look at me I'm so sad because I'm overweight, but just wait until I lose all this weight. I'm going to be smiling bright, the picture will be clearer, and I'll be extra tanned and buff" picture.
Good Luck sis in law.
I know you can do it and you have my support. Motivation and will-power is the key.
good luck! i've been at it for 4 weeks.
Good luck chica! Don't think about all of the food you "can't" have. Instead, try to modify your favorites. Try using ground turkey or extra lean beef for your burgers. Louis Rich makes an excellent turkey bacon that's extra juicy. Switch to whole grain buns/breads and you've got yourself a tasty treat with no guilt. Just because you're trying to lose weight doesn't mean you shouldn't be enjoying your meals.
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