Monday, June 4, 2007

Fat:1 Makita:0

So I embarked on my journey to a healthy lifestyle today. Overall, it went pretty well, but I have to say fat was the winner today. I went to the gym today. I felt like I had walked into an entirely new gym. They have done a lot of remodeling in the two months I've been gone. My personal trainer looked a little surprised to see me. We talked and she's wishing me the best.

She weighed me today and it turns out I'm actually 187lbs. Correction, I'm 187.8lbs. Which in my opinion isn't bad considering I haven't been to the gym in two months. And all I've gained is 3lbs. That's not too shabby in my book. We also did my measurements. And, again I have to say I haven't done too badly. I've only gained 2 inches in my waist and 3 1/2 inches in my abdomen. My waist is 36 1/2 inches and my abdomen is 39 1/2 inches. So I want to lose 6 inches off my waist and 9 off my waist. My hips are 42 inches. I love my hips! I always have. I'll never forget when I was in high school that my secret crush, Skylar, told me "Dang girl, you've got some nice hips" *sigh*. I would like to lose 6 inches off my hips even though they are awesome. I'd love to lose these boulders I call breast, but I've grown to accept them. However, if my chest does miraculously become smaller, you won't see me shedding any tears. I'd give anything to wear a spaghetti strap shirt.

Surprisingly, my body mass index has actually gone down in the two months I've done nothing. But before I post it I need to get something straight with my personal trainer. According the scale at the gym it's 42.3%, however every other BMI calculator I've used says its 30.8%. That's one hell of a difference. Either way though I'm still considered obese. But if you ask me, as long as I can still get up and move around on my own I'm not obese. Fat, yes. Obese, no. Maybe it's just me, but when I think of an obese person I think of the people they show on the TLC channel who are so big they can't move on their own. In a way it saddens me because I know I never want to get like that. And, it makes me sad to see them like that because I know it must be hard living like that.

But back to the topic. So fat won today and I lost. But I tell you what, fat better watch it's back. I've got all kinds of tricks up my sleeve. And I'll be honest. I fight dirty. So fat consider this your warning because it's the only one you're going to get.

1 comment:

Pamela Foreman said...

I'm glad you made it to the gym. Keep it up!