Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Fat:1 Makita: 1/2

So far so good. I went to the gym yesterday again and it went really well. My arms were very sore from the day before, but I worked through the pain. No pain, no gain... right? I did an hour of cardio on some machine. I'm not sure what it's called but I know it's an elliptical machine. It's like a bike, except it has no seat to sit down. I know they have trekking classes using those machines, so I guess it's a Trekker? I don't know. All I know is it kicked my butt. I did the aerobics option and it was a hell of a ride. First, I went really slow, then fast, then slow, then just using my legs, then just using my arms. And then, just as I was about to die, it switched directions on me. So I was cycling in reverse. It was rough. I started panting and the only lady next to me moved to another machine. Well, shoot it was hard work. What else was she expecting me to do? Grin and bare it with a smile. Please! I was really proud of myself for sticking it out for an hour. I ended the workout with some stretches and then Yoga. I like Yoga, however I can never get the whole meditation and quieting your mind thing. My mind runs a mile a minute and it never slows down. So I always just skip that part and just do the positions.

I ended up having to grab lunch on the go which turned out to be really good. I went to Chic Fila and managed to get one of their cool wraps. I was able to avoid their oh so freaking delicious waffle fries and cooling milkshakes and tasty cheesecake. Crap, what have I gotten myself into?

So I had the cool wrap which was really good. Basically, it's a salad wrapped up to go. I got the low fat dressing and an Iced-Tea. Very tasty! So I managed to avoid all the bad stuff and not tackle an innocent bystander enjoying their food. There was this lady there who was making her fries look as if they were the best thing she's tasted in a long time. Her eyes were twinkling with delight and desire. I was so jealous. Wait, maybe she was really looking at the guy sitting across from her. Hmm...I'll have to look into that.

Today is home day. So I'm going to do some step aerobics later this evening after the boys have fallen asleep. I love doing step at home. Actually, I can only do step at home. I'm so uncoordinated when it comes to following directions that involve body movement. I've tried twice at the gym and each time I look so stupid. While the class is going left, I'm going right. They're going up, I'm going down. They're doing around the world, I'm doing the V step. I always get really lost and then the instructor always comes to stand next to me, yeah, like that makes me feel any better. So I suck in public when it comes to stepping. So I do it in the privacy of my own home where no one can see me.

So far, fat is still in the lead by 1/2 a point. Only because I gave him a head start. It's okay though because when I hit him hard, he won't know it until tomorrow. It may not be today, it may not be tomorrow. But I promise you, it's coming.

1 comment:

Pamela Foreman said...

Glad you are doing good! I'm sucking this week, but next week is a new week. I love Chick Fil-A's wraps! Yum yum!