Thursday, November 15, 2007

Makita:1 Duncan Hines:0

Oooh look at me. I am doing really good resisting temptation. I'm in the process of baking brownies and I didn't even try to lick the spoon. Seriously. I'm not even thinking about tasting them. You know how it is. You have to eat one because you have to make sure it taste good, right? LOL. Yeah, then you end up eating damn near the whole pan if not all of the pan. Yep. But not this time. I purposely made these brownies with walnuts so I wouldn't be tempted. I hatewalnuts in brownies. YUCK!!!! I don't know who thought this was a good idea, but it's not. Brownies are supposed to be nice and smooth, the chocolate just melting in your mouth. Ooh, thank goodness I put walnuts in them, otherwise I'd be all over them. I wouldn't. I'm stronger than Duncan. He better not try to mess with me or he'll end up like Otis. Otis takes a beating every Tuesday and Friday in kickboxing class. Yeah, I'm weird, I know. I like to envision my punching/kicking bag as the temptations in my life.

I'm not worried about pigging out over the holidays. I never have much of an appetite during the season, not even for sweet stuff. Its usually the driving to and from our destinations that get me. The fast food places be killing me. But this year I have a game plan. Thanks to some helpful tips from friends, I'm going to be planning out our stops and packing snacks to help me avoid wanting to munch on junk. Nothing, and I mean NOTHING, is going to stop me from getting where I want to be. There is no reason why I should be dragging all this extra. I can't even blame this on the children anymore because its been 3 1/2 years since I gave birth last. So I need to get it together and keep it moving. I still need to do my ball workout today. I'm waiting for the boys to get home because they keep me motivated by copying what I'm doing. They are so silly. The other day we all got a really good workout dancing and singing karaoke. There is nothing funnier than watching little kids sing their hearts out.

All in a good day.


Pamela Foreman said...

You go girl! My weakness is licking the spoon! I usually try not to eat the brownies at all because like you said, once you have one, you have to have them all! Have a good time on your trip! Happy Thanksgiving!

Reflection said...

You will do just fine over the hoildays. You have a game plan and nothing can stop you now. Also, remember to have fun, enjoy the family and enjoy the scenary by taking walks. Who say you have to spend every single mintue with the family. Have a safe trip to and from. Happy early Thanksgiving!!