Saturday, February 28, 2009

So Billy...We Need to Talk

What the hell man? What.The.Hell? Why are you trying to kill me? I signed up for a workout, not a damn "let's see how fast I can kill someone" deal. Really, that new Taebo DVD I got, yeah the Ultimate Taebo one is NOT the business. Within 10 minutes I was ready to fall out and just die. UGH! Kick, punch, lunge, punch, kick is not a good routine. I don't care what that peppy botoxed skank said. Yeah, you know who I'm talking about. Ms. Botox Skank, the one with the pink tank top and the horrendous camel toe. Yeah her. She was getting on my last nerve. Jumping around like she does this crap in her sleep. Whatever.

Anyway, back to what I was saying. So you trying to kill me or what? Cause there are easier ways to get the job done. I personally prefer a death by chocolate. That's right. I'd love to go surrounded by Kit Kats, double fudge brownies, and Rocky Road ice cream. *shuddering* Wait, where was I? Aw hell, forget it. Let me just say stop trying to kill me Billy!

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