Sunday, May 24, 2009

So...Are You Planning to Update Us or WHAT?

My bad, my bad. I've been on vacation from the weight loss. Sorry. But yes, all that pushing and hard work I did the last 12 weeks paid off. I WON! I am so proud of myself. And now that the contest is over, I plan to maintain my loss. I've decided to start weight lifting. No, I'm not trying to look like a female version of Arnold Schwarzenegger...seriously, who would want that? My goal is to define my muscles and tone them up. I recently purchased one of the best books I have ever read when it comes to fitness, The New Rules of Lifting for Women: Lift Like a Man, Look Like a Goddess. The books is absolutely solid gold.

So this is where I am now. The pounds are off and now it's time to define them curves that I have. So you know when I get stopped by some rabid, foaming at the mouth, obsessed fan who thinks I'm Janet Jackson I can dropkick their ass into the next decade :D. Actually, I could probably do that now. But still, you know.

So I'm going to revamp my blog a little. I'm thinking I want to take monthly pictures of my body so that I can have a photo timeline of how the muscles in my body are shaping up.

Wish me luck. And, remember...Only YOU Can Prevent Forest Fires!

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