Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Gee Thanks

I'm so upset and pissed right now. On Friday I hurt my back, so today I went in to see the doctor. "You need to lose weight". Um, really? Hmm, I hadn't thought of that. These past 6 weeks or so I've just been lounging on my ass, forget that I went to see you around 6 weeks ago to get my physical to make sure everything was okay for me to start a weight loss routine. I guess you didn't look close enough at your chart to see that I've lost 13.5lbs since you last saw me. So telling me I need to lose weight when I have been losing weight for the last several weeks just pisses me off. Yes, I realize that I'm no Halle Berry. And thank goodness I'm not! I love my curves and sexy hips. But that is neither here nor there. But the point is could you have at least LOOKED at my chart and NOTICED I've been working on losing weight and strengthening my core?

So whatever, I've got a back sprain AGAIN with sciatica. Which is not as cool as it sounds. So once again I've been told to lose weight and strengthen my core. Which I could have told myself and spent the copay on lunch. So now I've got to revamp my routine to less intense cardio program and more of a core strengthening routine. But until the back pain subsides I'm just going to walk and attempt to eat right.

1 comment:

laniza said...

WTF?! Some doctors are a trip! I hope your back heals quickly--don't lose sight of your goals :).