Friday, April 24, 2009

Um....Okay? I Guess

So I just took a really quick look at why I'm losing pounds and not inches. And, well according to two sites I am either losing inches in areas I'm not recording or I'm not eating enough protein. I guess both kind of make sense. I'm not recording my bra size, but I know I have definitely lost inches around my band because I was wearing a 38 band size when I started. And now I'm wearing a 36, but even that is starting to feel loose. I suppose I should go get professionally measured to double check my bra size. As for the protein though, I'd have to double check what I've eaten the last few weeks. But, in honesty I'm too lazy to sit around remembering what I ate. So I'm just going to go with the first explanation, lol.


So I think I've reached a bit of a roadblock. I know none of you probably agree with me though. It seems like I can't lose an inch on anything. It's like my body has found its comfort zone. But that's not good. Cause the more I lose in pounds, the more my inches stay the same. And I want my inches to shrink. I know what you're thinking. You're thinking "Makita, sit down and shut up!!" I know, but I just can't. Plus, my body fat continues to creep up as the pounds come off. So that tells me losing inches is more important than losing pounds. I just don't get what's happening. Is it because I started a toning program and I'm trying to tone things up? Hmm...I just don't know. I guess that will be my google quest for today. Oh wait, the hubster is coming home today ;) That google quest is going to have to be put on hold. I really can't wait to see him.

So anyway, back to the drawing board for me. I know that I've been really hard on my body lately with the constant exercising. It's been the only thing the past two weeks that has kept me grounded and sane while the hubster was out of town. So I know I worked myself too hard. So next week I'm planning to take it easy. I know it can't be good for my body to lose close to 8lbs in two weeks. My middle son's birthday is next Tuesday, so I'll probably indulge some cake. Oh, but don't worry. I'll still keep my routine. It just won't be as vigorous.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Feeling So Burnt Out

I don't know what it is. But I am just feeling so burnt out today. I went to the park with my boys today and ran around with them. So that's about all the exercise I have gotten for today. I just can't seem to pull it together to exercise. I am just burnt out. I'm hoping I can pull it together before bed to at least get a 30 minute workout in. But the way I feel right now, I just want to sleep. I just want to lay down, pull the covers over my head, and sleep for days. ARGH! I hate feeling this way.

I forced myself to work out for 30 minutes before I hit the shower and went to sleep.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Who's That Lady?

Why... it's me!!!! So I was superly inspired by last week's episode of the Biggest Loser. For those of you who missed it, it was makeover week. Now coupled with the fact that my long dreadlocks have been working my nerve for awhile now. Thanks to a wonderful little guy who is obsessed with trying to grab them so he can eat them. And then add that to yesterday's fun playdate that was all about cutting hair. So badda bing badda boom...I cut my locs!!! Not all the way off. I love my locks. I've been natural for 5 years this summer and locked for 3 now. So I wasn't ready to just let them go. But I was ready to say bye bye to the length. So inspired by the show, friends, and myself I decided now was the time. Plus, it's only fitting for me to have my own little makeover session. I've lost 23lbs so far. So I think a new Makita was in order. My kids love it. My oldests are now calling me "special, new Mommy" and they love it. Now Patrick (the one who wants to eat it) is like "what the hell mom? You didn't even give me a chance!" LOL, he'll get over it!

I just wanted to share this all with you. You all are a great support system for me. :)



Friday, April 17, 2009

It Feels Like Time Is Standing Still...Or At Least the Calculators Are

So it's the end of another week. I've lost 4lbs. Yeah me! But I feel like time is standing still or the calculators are. The body fat percentage is perplexing me. I've been thinking of finding a place to do the actual water test where they measure your body fat by having you sit in water. Sometimes, it's not that big of a deal and sometimes it is. That number just fluctuates and it's starting to irritate me. If I lose pounds it doesn't move or it goes up. If I lose inches then it goes down. Oh well, whatever. I'm just happy the pounds are still coming off, but I have a feeling that the majority of the weight loss came from last week's workout. I think being bloated Betty threw off my numbers. I'm still happy though. That means I am now down to the last 10lbs. Super sweet!

But now I am off to go lay in bed for awhile. I'm exhausted and could use several days of sleep. But unfortunately, I have way too much stuff to do today so that's not an option. So I'll just have to work with what I have. Until next time!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Down to The Last 15lbs

So Biggest Loser contest aside for a moment, guess what? I'm down to the last 15lbs of my current goal weight which is 165lbs. I say current because my overall weight goal is to be down to 150lbs. I'm so psyched and so proud! I can't believe I am close to being where I was before I had kids. Isn't that crazy?! I KNOW!! So I've added in some toning exercises to help tone my arms and legs. I mean, really, what good is it having lost all the weight if the flab is just there? I've got to show off my sexy body come summer. Plus, I want people to be like "damn, is that Janet Jackson over there?" Hmm...I guess I need to get started on hiring my bodyguards.

You know who is really excited, but very low key about it? My husband. He's never complained ever about my weight or body. He absolutely loves it. So where is his excitement coming from? His excitement is coming from me. He sees how happy I am now that I'm not struggling with the extra weight. Seriously, I could barely run to the mailbox without getting winded. He knows how happy I am that I can now keep up with my boys, jog, dance, and do whatever now. Also, losing weight and exercising daily has helped a lot with my depression battles. I feel good, really good. I'm so glad I decided to make this change in my life.

I can't wait to reach my goal. Well, actually I can because the journey is so sweet.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Accountability...That's What Friends Are For

And thank goodness I have friends who actually care. So last week was just horrible for me with eating. But I did manage to continue to exercise. But this weekend was a struggle. I literally had to force myself to get up and get moving. And here's where my friends came in. On Sunday, I was planning to waste the day away eating chocolate marshmallow eggs because I was sad over the hubster being out of town. So I posted how I was feeling on Facebook and one of my girls pulled me back to reality by encouraging me to get up and go exercise (thanks Jamie!). And that got me to thinking about my friends offline who encourage me to keep going (Chinelle, Sekayi, Elizabeth, Pam, Kim) and my online friends and people who follow my blog. The comments you all leave encourage me and make me feel great that there are people out there who want to see me succeed. When I log on and see "a comment awaits moderation" I get gleeful. The comments are always positive and uplifting. And that just makes me want to work harder because I like knowing I'm held accountable. If I eat a bag of chips or a sleeve of Oreos somebody is going to call me out on it. Now, some of you are just bad, lol, and ask me if I had cheese on my fries but it's all good. Cause I know you all care and want to see me around later in life and not at my funeral cause I suffered a massive coronary cause I just had to have the double bacon cheeseburger with extra cheese and bacon with the loaded fries followed by a double chocolate shake....mmm, now I'm hungry, lol.

But thank you to everyone. Thank you so much!!!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why That Sneaky Little...

I can't believe she pulled a fast one on me. Okay well I guess I have to believe it since she's here staring me in the face. I guess this is her payback from last month when I shut her down by continuing to workout instead of curling into a ball like I normally do. Ms. Thang showed up yesterday. And she didn't give any of her normal "I'm coming to ruin your life for a few days" signs. Well, I did get the bloating, but I didn't even connect the two since I wasn't expecting her until early next week. And I did get the bitchiness, but I always have a dose of bitchiness in me so I just thought it was the same old stuff. Plus, I've had a lot going on at home so all this just bypassed me as more shitty stuff happening. But at least now it explains the whole binge over the weekend. While I'm happy to say I've given up the kool-aid and have gone back to water only and I'm not eating anymore cupcakes (but let's be real here, I'm not eating them only because I've eaten them all). Yesterday, I had a total meltdown and ate a whole sleeve of Oreo cookies along with a Kit-Kat bar. I totally needed the chocolate. Seriously. It's like a medication for PMS. Really, I'm not lying. Go look it up on Okay, not wedmd because they ruin all the fun. But I'm sure their is some site out their that will support my claim.

So anyway to make up for my insanity, I worked out before bed last night. I've moved back over to Taebo. But I'm doing the beginners workout again and not the Ultimate Taebo because I don't want to hurt my back again. That pilates workout DVD I bought just wasn't working for me. Yeah, I felt the burn and all that. But it's BORING!!! So I'll just have to shelve that for now.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow weigh in and measurements simply because I'm bloated Betty over here. But all what the hell, I earned these pounds so I don't care.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Not My Cup of Tea, But It'll Do

So tonight I tried out the new workout DVD I bought at Target over the weekend. Yeah...the one I watched while eating a cupcake and drinking kool-aid. LOL, I know. So anyway, tonight I tried it out. In my honest opinion, it was boring as hell. In my political correct opinion, it was okay. Maybe it's because I'm a kick ass type of female so I need high intense workouts. Maybe it was boring because I only bought it so I could support breast cancer research. I don't know, but whatever it is it's just not working for me. But I'm going to keep working with it, in hopes that I see some results.

I Dropped The Ball Over the Weekend

So I'm supposed to be dropping these pounds like their hot. But the only thing I've been dropping lately is the ball. I confess, I let the weight loss go to my head this weekend. On Friday, I was just incredibly baffled on how I managed to drop four pounds while not doing my normal routine. It just and still doesn't add up to me. I know, you're like "Makita! Stop stressing over those four pounds, you were obviously doing something right". Yeah, I know that. But I can't help but be suspicious. So anyway, because I miraculously lost those four pounds I got a little big headed on Friday and was like "well shit then I can eat whatever I want and still lose weight". WRONG! But did I listen? Nope, I binged on cupcakes and kool-aid all weekend. And to top it off, I ate fried chicken (mmm, it was so good too), some extra cheesy, incredibly gooey pizza, and fried corndogs and tater tots. UGH, it was like I just couldn't stop. The little bitch inside me kept saying "oh just enjoy yourself, you know it'll come off later." And dammit, I did enjoy myself. ARGH!!!! I said I wasn't going to do this to myself. I said I wasn't going to beat myself up over diet this time around.

But I just feel so bad. Especially, since I know I can do better. I let the numbers in the BL contest go to my head. I was basically gloating. And I hate gloaters. It's just tacky and unsportmans like. ARGH!!! Makita!!! And to add insult to injury, I did not work out at all this weekend. Well, I did on Friday, but on Saturday I traded in my workout to give myself a pedicure. I know! And, I fucking hate the color too. Serves me right. And then on Sunday, I spent the day whining about my hair. Somehow I've lost all my rubberbands and couldn't tie my hair back. So I used that as an excuse not to exercise. Cause you know, hair flying at a high speed can be lethal. So I did absolutely nothing this weekend, but sit on my ass ea,t cupcakes and other crap, and bitch. ARGH!!!

Oh wait, I did go to Target where I got this new Pilates workout for strengthening and firming up your body. And, I did open the DVD and actually watch it...while eating a cupcake and drinking some black cherry kool-aid. Shameful, I know.

So I totally need to refocus. I'll be damned if I throw away all my hard work now. Although, this did remind me that I need to work on weight management and how to control it after the weight has come off. Cause I sure don't want to go back to the obese category again.

Friday, April 3, 2009

I Think I'm In Shock!!!

Seriously, I don't understand what happened. Was the back injury a hallucination of my sleep deprived mind? Honestly, I didn't do very much this week. I cried, moaned, and pouted! But the one thing I did not do was turn to Otis Spunkmeyer and Ben and Jerry to comfort me because I was bummed over hurting my back. Could that be a reason why I managed to maintain my weight loss and actually lose FOUR pounds!!! Is just seems weird, and not the good kind of weird, but creepy weird. Hmmm...

So let me back up and tell you what happened after I found out about my back on Tuesday. Well, I wasn't happy with hearing that I had sprained my back again. And since the initial doctor just gave me one of those bullshit generic answers of "you need to lose weight". I decided to go to another doctor for a second opinion. Seriously, why would you tell someone who is actively losing weight to lose weight. That tells me you're either not listening or you're not paying attention. So I saw another doctor on Wednesday. But here's the creepy weird thing, my back pain had gone down a lot. Whereas the days before I felt like I could barely move, but on Tuesday as I started to get more active, the pain started to lessen. And when I woke up on Wednesday it had gone down considerably where I was able to jog for 15 minutes. So, okay now back to the doctor. This doctor was more in tune with me and while she didn't tell me what I wanted to hear, she didn't tell me no half ass answer either.

She explained that yes I had sprained my back and yes I should continue to lose weight, but I also needed to learn healthy back management. She encouraged me to continue tightening up my core, but to also relearn how to sit, stand, sleep, walk,etc. She said proper posture is the key. If I'm slouching or slumped over then my back is out of alignment and eventually that'll cause wear and tear. And since I had a previous back injury, I needed to be more cautious. She also said that other doctor was wrong to tell me to take it easy for a few weeks because the longer I stayed stationary, the longer it would take my back to heal. She said I should keep my routine, but modify it. So that I'm no longer doing high intense cardio daily, but every other day or so. And to get back into yoga.

So here I am. Now doing yoga with a modified cardio routine. I've also picked up running. I'm doing the Couch to 5K program. I'm just so happy that I decided to seek a second opinion and coming out of my slump. As soon as I got home on Wednesday, I took my middle son and youngest to the park and ran around and played with them for my cardio workout. And I also did an hour workout yesterday. The days before when my back was really hurting, I just did some brisk walking.

But still I am baffled! I was totally expecting to gain weight, especially since I indulged myself on Thursday for my birthday. But goodness, to lose four pounds! I've stood on the scale several times this morning. It really is just quite shocking. And, it's quite annoying that the stupid picture comes in rotated wrong!