Monday, April 13, 2009

Accountability...That's What Friends Are For

And thank goodness I have friends who actually care. So last week was just horrible for me with eating. But I did manage to continue to exercise. But this weekend was a struggle. I literally had to force myself to get up and get moving. And here's where my friends came in. On Sunday, I was planning to waste the day away eating chocolate marshmallow eggs because I was sad over the hubster being out of town. So I posted how I was feeling on Facebook and one of my girls pulled me back to reality by encouraging me to get up and go exercise (thanks Jamie!). And that got me to thinking about my friends offline who encourage me to keep going (Chinelle, Sekayi, Elizabeth, Pam, Kim) and my online friends and people who follow my blog. The comments you all leave encourage me and make me feel great that there are people out there who want to see me succeed. When I log on and see "a comment awaits moderation" I get gleeful. The comments are always positive and uplifting. And that just makes me want to work harder because I like knowing I'm held accountable. If I eat a bag of chips or a sleeve of Oreos somebody is going to call me out on it. Now, some of you are just bad, lol, and ask me if I had cheese on my fries but it's all good. Cause I know you all care and want to see me around later in life and not at my funeral cause I suffered a massive coronary cause I just had to have the double bacon cheeseburger with extra cheese and bacon with the loaded fries followed by a double chocolate shake....mmm, now I'm hungry, lol.

But thank you to everyone. Thank you so much!!!

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