Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why That Sneaky Little...

I can't believe she pulled a fast one on me. Okay well I guess I have to believe it since she's here staring me in the face. I guess this is her payback from last month when I shut her down by continuing to workout instead of curling into a ball like I normally do. Ms. Thang showed up yesterday. And she didn't give any of her normal "I'm coming to ruin your life for a few days" signs. Well, I did get the bloating, but I didn't even connect the two since I wasn't expecting her until early next week. And I did get the bitchiness, but I always have a dose of bitchiness in me so I just thought it was the same old stuff. Plus, I've had a lot going on at home so all this just bypassed me as more shitty stuff happening. But at least now it explains the whole binge over the weekend. While I'm happy to say I've given up the kool-aid and have gone back to water only and I'm not eating anymore cupcakes (but let's be real here, I'm not eating them only because I've eaten them all). Yesterday, I had a total meltdown and ate a whole sleeve of Oreo cookies along with a Kit-Kat bar. I totally needed the chocolate. Seriously. It's like a medication for PMS. Really, I'm not lying. Go look it up on Okay, not wedmd because they ruin all the fun. But I'm sure their is some site out their that will support my claim.

So anyway to make up for my insanity, I worked out before bed last night. I've moved back over to Taebo. But I'm doing the beginners workout again and not the Ultimate Taebo because I don't want to hurt my back again. That pilates workout DVD I bought just wasn't working for me. Yeah, I felt the burn and all that. But it's BORING!!! So I'll just have to shelve that for now.

I'm not looking forward to tomorrow weigh in and measurements simply because I'm bloated Betty over here. But all what the hell, I earned these pounds so I don't care.


Shirelle said...

What is up with Wednesday being cave-in day? I was craving carbs all day yesterday and gave in as I was filling Easter eggs with chcolate :( I went waaay over my calories yesterday. Brandie posted that she had a really hard day yesterday too. Today is a new day, right?!

dianthe said...

i'll see your sleeve of Oreos and raise you 14 white chocolate macadamia nut cookies and 14 peanut butter cup cookies - i guess Miss Thang decided to show up early over there because she's WAY late over here - 3 negative tests and she still can't be bothered to visit - but at least you're working out - i'm just sitting around on my expanding behind!