Monday, April 6, 2009

I Dropped The Ball Over the Weekend

So I'm supposed to be dropping these pounds like their hot. But the only thing I've been dropping lately is the ball. I confess, I let the weight loss go to my head this weekend. On Friday, I was just incredibly baffled on how I managed to drop four pounds while not doing my normal routine. It just and still doesn't add up to me. I know, you're like "Makita! Stop stressing over those four pounds, you were obviously doing something right". Yeah, I know that. But I can't help but be suspicious. So anyway, because I miraculously lost those four pounds I got a little big headed on Friday and was like "well shit then I can eat whatever I want and still lose weight". WRONG! But did I listen? Nope, I binged on cupcakes and kool-aid all weekend. And to top it off, I ate fried chicken (mmm, it was so good too), some extra cheesy, incredibly gooey pizza, and fried corndogs and tater tots. UGH, it was like I just couldn't stop. The little bitch inside me kept saying "oh just enjoy yourself, you know it'll come off later." And dammit, I did enjoy myself. ARGH!!!! I said I wasn't going to do this to myself. I said I wasn't going to beat myself up over diet this time around.

But I just feel so bad. Especially, since I know I can do better. I let the numbers in the BL contest go to my head. I was basically gloating. And I hate gloaters. It's just tacky and unsportmans like. ARGH!!! Makita!!! And to add insult to injury, I did not work out at all this weekend. Well, I did on Friday, but on Saturday I traded in my workout to give myself a pedicure. I know! And, I fucking hate the color too. Serves me right. And then on Sunday, I spent the day whining about my hair. Somehow I've lost all my rubberbands and couldn't tie my hair back. So I used that as an excuse not to exercise. Cause you know, hair flying at a high speed can be lethal. So I did absolutely nothing this weekend, but sit on my ass ea,t cupcakes and other crap, and bitch. ARGH!!!

Oh wait, I did go to Target where I got this new Pilates workout for strengthening and firming up your body. And, I did open the DVD and actually watch it...while eating a cupcake and drinking some black cherry kool-aid. Shameful, I know.

So I totally need to refocus. I'll be damned if I throw away all my hard work now. Although, this did remind me that I need to work on weight management and how to control it after the weight has come off. Cause I sure don't want to go back to the obese category again.

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